The Deep Bay ‘Kids Don’t Float Kiosk’ is up on the main floating dock at Deep Bay.
Starting from scratch to erection, it was quite time consuming project. Volunteer, Peter Ravensbergen donated his time generously with SAR Member Bon Thorburn to build and erect the structure; help from Natalie Thorburn and other Sar Members is also appreciated.
The canopied structure is 12’ wide with room for a 4’ RCMSAR Unit 59 bulletin board that is still being designed.
The “Kids Don’t Float” program makes available loaner Personal Flotation Devices. Boaters and swimmers may take appropriate size lifejackets for children who are with them, free of charge. Upon completion of their marine activity, boaters/swimmers return lifejackets to the display/storage board.
For more information click on: Kids Don’t Float Program Guide (PDF)